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Stahlwille 25 Ratchet Double Ring Spanner 12 Point metric

Stahlwille 25 Ratchet Double Ring Spanner 12 Point metric

Product Codes: ( / / / / / / )


Multiple options available:


Stahlwille 25 Ratchet Double Ring Spanner Ratcheting Wrench 12 Point metric

With bi-hexagon, straight, 22 teeth, chrome plated

Part No Size (mm) OAL (mm) Weight (g)
41130708 7 x 8 109 55
41130910 9 x 10 139 80
41131011 10 x 11 170 144
41131213 12 x 13 170 135
41131415 14 x 15 170 126
41131618 16 x 18 205 196
41131719 17 x 19 205 188


  • 12 Point / bi-hexagon
  • 4018754022120

Category: Box Type Ratcheting Wrenches

Brand: Stahlwille Tools

Stahlwille 25 Ratchet Double Ring Spanner 12 Point metric

Product Code: ( 41130708 / 41130910 / 41131011 / 41131213 / 41131415 / 41131618 / 41131719 )

Category: Spanners and Wrenches / Ring Ratcheting Wrenches / Box Type Ratcheting Wrenches

Option Code




7 x 8mm

$AUD 51.94 (inc GST)


9 x 10mm

$AUD 59.74 (inc GST)


10 x 11mm

$AUD 73.88 (inc GST)


12 x 13mm

$AUD 74.90 (inc GST)


14 x 15mm

$AUD 82.20 (inc GST)


16 x 18mm

$AUD 89.76 (inc GST)


17 x 19mm

$AUD 99.96 (inc GST)

Brand: Stahlwille Tools


Stahlwille 25 Ratchet Double Ring Spanner Ratcheting Wrench 12 Point metric

With bi-hexagon, straight, 22 teeth, chrome plated

Part No Size (mm) OAL (mm) Weight (g)
41130708 7 x 8 109 55
41130910 9 x 10 139 80
41131011 10 x 11 170 144
41131213 12 x 13 170 135
41131415 14 x 15 170 126
41131618 16 x 18 205 196
41131719 17 x 19 205 188
  • 12 Point / bi-hexagon
  • GTIN: 4018754022120