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Cardiff, NSW 2285

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Rivet Cutter Heavy Duty

Rivet Cutter Heavy Duty

Product Code: RC1002

$AUD 81.74 (inc GST)
($AUD 74.31 ex GST)

In Stock


• Allows aluminium rivets to be cut from 1/16” to 1/4” diameter.
• Rivets can be cut to the same length each time using the leaf spacers

Category: Rivet Cutters

Rivet Cutter Heavy Duty

Product Code: RC1002

Category: Riveting Tools / Rivet Cutters

Price: $AUD 81.74 (inc GST)

Weight: 0


• Allows aluminium rivets to be cut from 1/16” to 1/4” diameter.
• Rivets can be cut to the same length each time using the leaf spacers