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Sealant Scraper Boeing Approved white 3 x 6mm

Sealant Scraper Boeing Approved white 3 x 6mm

Product Code: 311/03/06

$AUD 6.20 (inc GST)
($AUD 5.64 ex GST)

In Stock


Sealant Scraper Boeing Approved white POM 3 x 6mm / 0.12 x 0.24 inch, resharpenable up to 40X. Ergonomical SkyGrip handle available, not included.

The SkyScraper by Elixair are approved plastic ULTEM scrapers used as tools in the removal of cured sealant and adhesives. The SkyScraper can be resharpened multiple times using the SkyMill Revolution portable sharpening machine, making it extremely cost effective.

Elixair Part No 311/03/06 | Socomore Part No Z/SCRA3111


  • 3665792007315

Category: Scrapers Boeing Approved

Brand: Elixair / Socomore

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Sealant Scraper Boeing Approved white 3 x 6mm

Product Code: 311/03/06

Category: Sealant Tools and Scrapers / Scrapers Boeing Approved

Price: $AUD 6.20 (inc GST)

Brand: Elixair / Socomore

Weight: 0


Sealant Scraper Boeing Approved white POM 3 x 6mm / 0.12 x 0.24 inch, resharpenable up to 40X. Ergonomical SkyGrip handle available, not included.

The SkyScraper by Elixair are approved plastic ULTEM scrapers used as tools in the removal of cured sealant and adhesives. The SkyScraper can be resharpened multiple times using the SkyMill Revolution portable sharpening machine, making it extremely cost effective.

Elixair Part No 311/03/06 | Socomore Part No Z/SCRA3111

  • GTIN: 3665792007315