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Stahlwille 6530 Snipe Nose Pliers VDE 160mm chrome-plated dipped Insulation

Stahlwille 6530 Snipe Nose Pliers VDE 160mm chrome-plated dipped Insulation

Product Code: 65307160

$AUD 152.70 (inc GST)
($AUD 138.82 ex GST)

Lead time About 4 Weeks


Stahlwille VDE snipe nose pliers with cutter (radio- or telephone pliers) DIN ISO 5745, Form B, bent 45°, half round, long tapering, serrated jaws, with burner hole, precision cutting edges for soft and hard wires, induction hardened cutting edges, approx. 60 HRC.


  • Length: 160mm
  • d: 9mm
  • L3: 55mm
  • Head: Chrome plated
  • 4.02E+12
  • Made in Gemany
  • 4018754137787

Category: Insulated Bent Nose Pliers

Brand: Stahlwille Tools

Stahlwille 6530 Snipe Nose Pliers VDE 160mm chrome-plated dipped Insulation

Product Code: 65307160

Category: Insulated Tools / VDE Pliers IEC 609000 / Insulated Bent Nose Pliers

Price: $AUD 152.70 (inc GST)

Brand: Stahlwille Tools


Stahlwille VDE snipe nose pliers with cutter (radio- or telephone pliers) DIN ISO 5745, Form B, bent 45°, half round, long tapering, serrated jaws, with burner hole, precision cutting edges for soft and hard wires, induction hardened cutting edges, approx. 60 HRC.