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Proto Combination Wrench Spanner 12 Point Full Polish Short imperial

Proto Combination Wrench Spanner 12 Point Full Polish Short imperial

Product Codes: ( / / / / / / / / / / / / )


Multiple options available:


Proto Combination Wrench Spanner 12 Point Full Polish Short imperial

  • Full polish wrenches meet and exceed stringent aerospace specification AS4984A which requires tools to have a thicker nickel-chrome coating for greater corrosion-resistance.
  • 12 point box end is countersunk for easy application to the fastener, helping to improve speed and access. Fits 4, 6 and 12 point fasteners.
  • 15° angled offset helps keep shank clear of obstructions.
  • Anti-Slip Design (ASD) open end.
  • Box ends incorporate the TorquePlus system.

Part No Size (mm) Head Width 1 Thickness 1 Head Width 2 Thickness 2 OAL (in)
J1208ES 1/4 19/32 11/64 7/16 3/16 3-1/4
J1209ES 9/32 41/64 3/16 29/64 7/32 3-3/8
J1210ES 5/16 47/64 1/4 33/64 15/64 3-1/2
J1211ES 11/32 13/16 13/64 9/16 1/4 3-5/8
J1212ES 3/8 7/8 7/32 39/64 9/32 3-3/4
J1214ES 7/16 63/64 5/16 43/64 19/64 3-15/16
J1216ES 1/2 1-7/64 3/8 51/64 23/64 4-5/16
J1218ES 9/16 1-1/4 19/64 57/64 3/8 4-1/2
J1220ES 5/8 1-23/64 7/16 63/64 27/64 4-7/8
J1222ES 11/16 1-31/64 15/32 1-3/64 29/64 5-1/16
J1224ES 3/4 1-5/8 1/2 1-1/8 31/64 5-7/16
J1226S 13/16 1-45/64 23/64 1-13/64 33/64 7-45/64
J1228S 7/8 1-27/32 23/64 1-17/64 35/64 8.00
J1230S 15/16 2.00 4.00 1-11/32 35/64 8-19/64
J1232S 1 2-3/32 7/16 1-29/64 5/8 8-13/32
J1234S 1-1/16 2-13/64 15/32 1-19/32 41/64 6-19/32
J1236S 1-1/8 2-19/64 1/2 1-5/8 23/32 8-29/32
J1238S 1-3/16 2-19/64 1/2 1-5/8 23/32 8-29/32
J1240S 1-1/4 2-19/32 1/2 1-51/64 23/32 9-45/64


  • Finish: Full Polish
  • Unit of Measure: Fractional, imperial, SAE
  • Extra Short
  • Aero Plating Std: SAE AS4984B
  • ASME Spec: ASME B107.100-2010
  • 662679115265

Category: Short Combination Spanners 12 Point

Brand: Proto Tools

Proto Combination Wrench Spanner 12 Point Full Polish Short imperial

Product Code: ( J1208ES / J1209ES / J1210ES / J1211ES / J1212ES / J1214ES / J1216ES / J1218ES / J1220ES / J1222ES / J1224ES / J1228S / J1230S )

Category: Spanners and Wrenches / Combination Spanners Wrenches / Short Combination Spanners 12 Point

Option Code




1/4 inch

$AUD 42.06 (inc GST)


9/32 inch

$AUD 40.83 (inc GST)


5/16 inch

$AUD 42.06 (inc GST)


11/32 inch

$AUD 42.06 (inc GST)


3/8 inch

$AUD 40.83 (inc GST)


7/16 inch

$AUD 43.96 (inc GST)


1/2 inch

$AUD 45.91 (inc GST)


9/16 inch

$AUD 45.91 (inc GST)


5/8 inch

$AUD 49.57 (inc GST)


11/16 inch

$AUD 53.77 (inc GST)


3/4 inch

$AUD 59.38 (inc GST)


7/8 inch

$AUD 70.09 (inc GST)


15/16 inch

$AUD 69.37 (inc GST)

Brand: Proto Tools


Proto Combination Wrench Spanner 12 Point Full Polish Short imperial

  • Full polish wrenches meet and exceed stringent aerospace specification AS4984A which requires tools to have a thicker nickel-chrome coating for greater corrosion-resistance.
  • 12 point box end is countersunk for easy application to the fastener, helping to improve speed and access. Fits 4, 6 and 12 point fasteners.
  • 15° angled offset helps keep shank clear of obstructions.
  • Anti-Slip Design (ASD) open end.
  • Box ends incorporate the TorquePlus system.

Part No Size (mm) Head Width 1 Thickness 1 Head Width 2 Thickness 2 OAL (in)
J1208ES 1/4 19/32 11/64 7/16 3/16 3-1/4
J1209ES 9/32 41/64 3/16 29/64 7/32 3-3/8
J1210ES 5/16 47/64 1/4 33/64 15/64 3-1/2
J1211ES 11/32 13/16 13/64 9/16 1/4 3-5/8
J1212ES 3/8 7/8 7/32 39/64 9/32 3-3/4
J1214ES 7/16 63/64 5/16 43/64 19/64 3-15/16
J1216ES 1/2 1-7/64 3/8 51/64 23/64 4-5/16
J1218ES 9/16 1-1/4 19/64 57/64 3/8 4-1/2
J1220ES 5/8 1-23/64 7/16 63/64 27/64 4-7/8
J1222ES 11/16 1-31/64 15/32 1-3/64 29/64 5-1/16
J1224ES 3/4 1-5/8 1/2 1-1/8 31/64 5-7/16
J1226S 13/16 1-45/64 23/64 1-13/64 33/64 7-45/64
J1228S 7/8 1-27/32 23/64 1-17/64 35/64 8.00
J1230S 15/16 2.00 4.00 1-11/32 35/64 8-19/64
J1232S 1 2-3/32 7/16 1-29/64 5/8 8-13/32
J1234S 1-1/16 2-13/64 15/32 1-19/32 41/64 6-19/32
J1236S 1-1/8 2-19/64 1/2 1-5/8 23/32 8-29/32
J1238S 1-3/16 2-19/64 1/2 1-5/8 23/32 8-29/32
J1240S 1-1/4 2-19/32 1/2 1-51/64 23/32 9-45/64
  • Finish: Full Polish
  • Unit of Measure: Fractional, imperial, SAE
  • Extra Short
  • Aero Plating Std: SAE AS4984B
  • ASME Spec: ASME B107.100-2010
  • GTIN: 662679115265