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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

Tel: +61 2 4956 7111
Fax: +61 2 4956 7811
Email: sales@henchman.com.au
Web: https://www.henchman.com.au/

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Welcome to our New Website

Welcome to our new website.

The Henchman Team hopes you will enjoy using our all new, improved website. Not sure where to go to find the product you require? Either search in the smart search bar at the top right of the page, or use the category panel on the left hand side to filter your results. You could also use the live chat function to chat with one of our friendly staff.
Be sure to check out our new toolkit showcase.

We hope you enjoy using our new website as much as we do.
Looking forward to receiving your orders, from the Henchman Team.