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MK Test M-Bus System

Jeremy Chambers

MK-Test Systems
Rely on MK test systems to ensure your electrical systems are 100% tested every time

M-Bus System
MK Test M-Bus System which is able to complete what was a manual 8 hour test phase in 40 seconds. The system performs a continuity check, Insulation and Shorts test between one end of the train set and the other (up to 12 carriages) (all test results captured automatically).   If these all pass the system then performs over 400 function tests, making sure everything is working correctly.  Any faults found can be quickly diagnosed by the system, allowing engineers to fix the problem quickly.   

MK Test built the system to work outdoors using IP65 rated cabinets complete with thermal protection. The system is ideal for performing test not only to prove system upgrades, but also as part of a depot test and maintenance and diagnostics system.

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