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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

Tel: +61 2 4956 7111
Fax: +61 2 4956 7811
Email: sales@henchman.com.au
Web: https://www.henchman.com.au/

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Aerospace Toolkit Brochure TK4

Aerospace Toolkit Brochure TK4

Aerospace Toolkit Brochure TK4

Henchman is widely known as one of the leading custom toolkit providers for the aircraft industry. Our long experience in customising superbly fitting foam inlays for a large range of applications allows us to deliver a superior service, product and price. All foams are cut in-house in our facility by our experienced staff giving you better service, quality and quicker lead times. We also offer laser marking service meaning all your tools can be delivered with your company name and tool kit number, giving even the most basic tool control system a high level of accountability and control.

The newest edition of the Aerospace Toolkit Brochure incorporates our Electronic Tool Control System henchmanTRAK and all currently available Toolkits for Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and Aircraft Mechanics. We are very flexible, not limited to any brand and can also provide turnkey solutions fully customised to your specific requirements. Henchman provides a wide range of tooling, including consumables, mechanical tooling, avionics, structural, fall arrest (specifically aircraft) and GSE.

For more information or to receive a print copy of our catalogue, send your contact details to sales@henchman.com.au or get in touch via phone:
call 1800 091 109 or +61 2 4956 7111