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Henchman is a Sponsor of Pedals n Medals 2020

Pedals n Medals 2020 Henchman Sponsorship

"Pedals 'n Medals" - 2020 Fundraising Bike Ride

For the 4th year in a row, the 4 Aussie Heroes Foundation is hosting a 300km two day Fundraising Bike Ride on the 16th and 17th October to raise much needed funds in support of the Foundation's endeavours to develop its "Camp Courage" Rural Rehabilitation Retreat.

4 Aussie Heroes is a Not for Profit Foundation that was established in 2017 to fill a gap in the rehabilitation process for suffering first responder (fire, police and ambulace) and military veterans, with PTSD and other mental health related issues, resulting from serving our communities and Nation. The foundation has two main activities:
• Delivering a world first, live-in treatment program for suffering first responder and military veterans - ‘Triumph over Trauma’, and
• Developing a rural rehabilitation retreat, ‘Camp Courage’ in South East Queensland from which to deliver the Program.

The first three "Pedals 'n Medals" rides have been wonderful events thanks to the efforts and commitment of amazing Sponsors, Riders and Donors. The Foundation hopes that this year's event provides an opportunity for the "Pedals 'n Medal's" community to "get out on the road" and participate in some wonderful riding and for those donors who wish to jump on board to join them for another amazing event.

In support of the Foundation and the bike riding team of our customer TAE Aerospace, Henchman has sponsored a LMO toolkit that will be auctioned off during the event. 

Would you like to support this cause? Go to https://pedalsnmedals2020.gofundraise.com.au/ to donate or support a team or rider.

Pedals n Medals Fundraising Bike Ride Sponsorship Henchman  Pedals n Medals Fundraising Bike Ride Henchman