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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

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Wheeled Comprehensive Electronics Kit - Tool Selection ABEF in Foam Trays

This toolkit is a very popular choice providing two useful tray of tools in foamkit in the Atomik case providing quick and convenient access for all tools. The foam tool tray system gives excellent visual checking that no tools are left behind. Every design feature has been developed working closely to meet the needs of our customers in extensive field trials over many years.

NOTE: This Kit Will Be supplied with blue foam and black plastic unless specified

Wheeled Comprehensive Electronics Kit - Tool Selection ABEF in Foam Trays


$AUD 1164.80(inc GST)

Plant Engineers Tool Kit in wheeled Atomik Case with Shadow Foam

Product Code: ATOMIK-F-WH-ABEF

Category: Tool Kits / Electronic Tool Kits

Price: $AUD 1281.28 (inc GST)

Weight: 0


This toolkit is a very popular choice providing two useful tray of tools in foamkit in the Atomik case providing quick and convenient access for all tools. The foam tool tray system gives excellent visual checking that no tools are left behind. Every design feature has been developed working closely to meet the needs of our customers in extensive field trials over many years.

NOTE: This Kit Will Be supplied with blue foam and black plastic unless specified

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Side Cutters