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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

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Facility Maintenance Kit

A choice of tools selected based on customer input, set out in foam trays permanently stored in two zipper bags which snuggly fit inside the wheeled backpack. This unique system gives you the best of every world:

  • A highly manoeuvrable wheeled bag.
  • A backpack for heading up stairs or congested areas.
  • Foam trays for the ultimate tool stowage, giving you that professional look and perfect visual control on your tools.


Kit Item Listing (PDF)

Facility Maintenance Kit

Kit Code: CH20-FMK

$AUD 998.90(inc GST)

Facility Maintenance Tool Kit in wheeled Backpack

Product Code: CH20-FMK

Category: Tool Kits / ElectroMechanical Tool Kits

Price: $AUD 1098.79 (inc GST)

Brand: Henchman


A choice of tools selected based on customer input, set out in foam trays permanently stored in two zipper bags which snuggly fit inside the wheeled backpack. This unique system gives you the best of every world:

  • A highly manoeuvrable wheeled bag.
  • A backpack for heading up stairs or congested areas.
  • Foam trays for the ultimate tool stowage, giving you that professional look and perfect visual control on your tools.

Part # Title Qty View
Spanners & Wrenches
Pliers & Cutters

Options for Facility Maintenance Kit