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Tool Control: How Milwaukee One Key helps track and control tools

Milwaukee One Key Tool Control Blog Henchman

Tool Control: How Milwaukee One Key helps track and control tools

The digital jobsite of the future is here. Statistics show that four out of five construction managers use mobile devices to manage products, with the same number of construction workers agreeing that apps are an important tool for the job site.

From improving productivity through to helping eliminate tool theft, mobile apps are helping us to work smarter and with greater peace of mind.

Electronic Tool Control Systems like henchmanTRAK track the issue and return of hand tools to a cabinet or even complete toolkits to a toolcrib, recording the user, job the tool is taken to, tool condition and if the tool is due for calibration.

To track the exact location of an issued Milwaukee Tool, Milwaukee have introduced a downloadable App called ONE-KEY, the first digital platform for tools and equipment. ONE-KEY provides a level of control and access to information that will revolutionise the way you work, and fundamentally change the way users interact with their tools.

ONE-KEY currently offers four key features to greatly improve productivity and tool security:


Milwaukee in Tool Control Foam HenchmanTool tracking

Tool theft could become a thing of the past, with ONE-KEY's integrated tool tracking providing full visibility of where and when your tools are being used across your network of jobsites and users. The ONE-KEY App will track all compatible tools within 30m of your phone, allowing you to pinpoint tools not returned to the toolcrib quicker and increase accountability. The last known location of the tool will be stored on the app even when the device or tool goes out of range.

A lost or stolen tool can then be activated as missing so that if it is picked up by any in-range device on the ONE-KEY network, a push notification with its location will be sent to the missing tool’s owner.

ONE-KEY also allows you to lock your tool and disable remotely, rendering it unusable for any potential thieves. 


Tool configuration

Tool configuration offers unlimited tool customisation, allowing you to take control of the tools output and configure them to suit your requirements.

The ONE-KEY App wirelessly syncs to compatible tools allowing you to program custom settings directly into the tool’s memory.


Inventory management

With simplified tool and equipment management you can keep detailed records of all inventory from any manufacturer or brand, to easily build a budget and manage annual spend on equipment. The inventory management allows you to organise inventory how you like, and access real-time data such as records, receipts and images from any place any time.

Overdue calibrations are a thing of the past with calibration dates recorded within the henchmanTRAK system, automatically marking a tool as due for calibration and notifying the tools owner. Notifications about tools marked as broken or missing also allow for quicker repair or replacement, reducing downtime and frustration.


Tool reporting

Tool reporting provides real time information sharing on crimper utilisation. Wirelessly sync to the crimper with just one touch, to transfer and store crimp data to the cloud. You can then use this data to close out jobs with proven accuracy, and build professional reports customised to your company.

The ONE-KEY App is supported by Android and iOS smart phones, is free to download and use, and is available for download from the Google Play Store and the App Store.

For more information on Electronic Tool Control Systems, visit www.henchmantrak.com.