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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

Tel: +61 2 4956 7111
Fax: +61 2 4956 7811
Email: sales@henchman.com.au
Web: https://www.henchman.com.au/

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17 Jun
Optimizing Aircraft Maintenance through Electronic Tool Management

Optimizing Aircraft Maintenance through Electronic Tool Management

The significance of effective tool management in the aviation industry cannot be overstated. In an environment where safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance are paramount, robust tool management practices serve as the keystone for preserving aircraft integrity and ensuring the safety of flight operations. Read on to learn more about the pivotal role that tailored tool management plays in optimizing aviation maintenance practices.


27 Feb
Streamlining Aviation Tool Lifecycle Management

Streamlining Aviation Tool Lifecycle Management

This article delves into the integral role of smart asset management technology as a core component of aviation Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM). We explore the optimal structuring of an ALM program, investigate the integration of an equipment management system, and highlight specific benefits.


8 Sep
Henchman at MRO Europe 2022

Henchman at MRO Europe 2022

Meet us at MRO Europe 2022 in London on booth 1126. We will be showcasing...


19 Apr
Why henchmanTRAK?

Why henchmanTRAK?

Why do you need an Automated Tool Control system like henchmanTRAK, how is it different from other technologies, and why is it the better choice?


14 Feb
Henchman at MRO Americas 2022

Henchman at MRO Americas 2022

Meet us at the MRO Americas 2022 in Dallas on booth 716. We will be showcasing...


15 Sep
What is the real cost of a lost tool?

What is the real cost of a lost tool?

Ever felt the pain of searching for a misplaced tool when your shift has ended and you should be home with a cold beer in hand? If that's the case, then you know the personal cost of losing a tool in a critical environment. But what is the monetary cost?


8 Jul
Case Study:  Choosing the right rugged Tablet for our HenchmanTRAK system

Case Study: Choosing the right rugged Tablet for our HenchmanTRAK system

We were looking for a rugged tablet, that was readable in sunlight, temperature resistant, customised to our needs, yet affordable. What convinced us that a DURABOOK rugged tablet was the right choice?


3 Jun
Henchman at Rotortech 2021

Henchman at Rotortech 2021

Meet us at the Rotortech Helicopter and Unmanned Flight Exposition 2021 on booth 1L17. We will be showcasing...


18 May
Henchman at Landforces 2021

Henchman at Landforces 2021

Meet us at the Landforces International Land Defence Exposition 2021 on booth 4U10. We will be showcasing...


22 Apr
Henchman appointed as the Australian partner for DURABOOK

Henchman appointed as the Australian partner for DURABOOK

Expanding its global presence to Australia, Durabook selected Henchman due to their long-standing business relationship, aligned target industries and customer focus, as both companies thrive to provide quality solutions to high-end technicians and engineers.


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