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Henchman Tools
55 Pendlebury Road
Cardiff, NSW 2285

Tel: +61 2 4956 7111
Fax: +61 2 4956 7811
Email: sales@henchman.com.au
Web: https://www.henchman.com.au/

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Henchman Products in Field Service and Plant Service

Field & Plant Service

Many companies leave the choice of tools and storage to their technicians, leading to a long list of different suppliers and brands, no control over the spendings and quality standards, as well as non-branded toolcases.

To save you time and money wasted on sourcing equipment, we design a facility maintenance, plant maintenance or service technician toolkit that meets your requirements with you - with a unique range of tools and a professional branded presentation.

In addition, your custom toolkits can easily be modified and quickly reordered as one part number to save order processing time.


Your benefits

  • Uniformity across all technicians
  • Improved presentation and consistency for your clients
  • Streamlined ordering process
  • Single-source supplier for all replacement tooling
  • Already have a toolkit supplied prior to the technician starting
  • Overall cost saving in time and resource while giving you the peace of mind, that your technician will be supplied with the best - for reliability and value for money
  • Shadow foam will help ensure the technician arrives at a job with a complete kit when he doesn't leave tooling behind


Your choice of storage - with or without foam

We offer a range of toolcases with pouches or straps or custom cut shadow foam inlays for visual tool control (VTC). Every tool has it's allocated spot, enabling your technicians to see at a glance what's there and if something is missing or was left behind, reducing human error and downtime searching for tools, while increasing efficiency.

Our field service or plant service toolkits are scalable and come in every shape and size - from portable soft cases, backpacks, tool vests and belts to hard cases with wheels and drawers. Henchman Products holds many distributorships for the worlds best brands like Fluke, Wiha, Proto, Stahlwille, GearWrench, Knipex, Tsunoda and many more.

Henchman Tools is a turnkey solution toolkit provider with 25 years experience in designing customised toolkits with superbly fitting foam interiors for a large range of applications - allowing us to deliver a superior service, product and price. Many years of industry experience supplying a high quality range of tooling coupled with in-house production of tool control foam inlays and laser etching, make us your ideal single-source supplier.